1. The name of Society is "Indian Association for the Study of Population".
  2. The registered office of the Society will be situated in the Territory of Delhi and at present at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi -110 007.
  3. The Objectives for which the society is established are as follows:
    1. To promote scientific study of population in general and India's population problems in particular.
    2. To promote, sponsor and undertake research on the different aspects of India's population.
    3. To organise conferences, seminars, meetings and discussion groups in per-suance of the above objectives.
    4. To establish and maintain in whole or in part agencies or institutions to promote the above objectives.
    5. To publish books, monographs, journals, newsletters, occasional papers etc. in the interest of promotion of the above objectives.
    6. To raise funds by way of subscriptions, loans, grants for achievement of the above objectives.
    7. To make donations, gifts, contribution and loans out of the funds of the Association to any or all corporations, organisations, foundations, insti­tutions, bodies or individuals for projects or investigations consistent with the above objectives.
    8. To acquire, purchase, receive and hold property of any kind including cash securities and other negotiable instruments; to construct, maintain or recon­struct any building and alter, improve and equip any of them suitable to man­age, transfer, let out or dispose off any of these and manage these in any manner deemed proper in the best interests of the above said objectives.
    9. To make rules and regulations etc. for carrying out the aforesaid objectives of the Society and to alter, cancel and/or modify the same in such manner as the Society deems fit.
  4. In accordance with the rules and regulations of the Association, the management of the affairs of the Association will rest in the First Executive Committee consisting of the following members:
Sr. No. Name Occupation & Address Designation
1. Asok Mitra Secretary, Planning Commission,Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi  President
2. A.Chandra Sekhar  Registrar General of India, 2-A Mansingh Road, New Delhi. Vice-President
3. S. P. Jain  Programme Operation Manager, Pathfinder Fund, F-3, Green Park, New Delhi-110 016 Vice-President
4. Ashish Bose Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, University Enclave, Delhi -110 007 General Secretary 
5. R. P. Goyal Reader, Institute of Economic Growth, University Enclave, Delhi -110 007 Joint Secretary- cum-Treasurer 
6. G. B. Saxena Senior Research Officer, Office of the Registrar General of India, West Block, 1, R. K. Puram, New Delhi Joint Secretary 
7. R. S. Kurup  Officer on Special Duty, Ministry of Health & Family Planning, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. Member

Rules and Regulations

  1. Interpretations In these rules unless it is otherwise stated:
    1. The Association shall mean the Indian Association for the Study of Popula­tion.
    2. The General Body shall mean the General Body of the Indian Association for the Study of Population.
    3. The Executive Committee shall mean the Executive Committee of the Indian Association for the Study of Population.
    4. Member shall mean any member of the Indian Association for the Study of Population.
    5. The president, the vice-president, the general secretary, the joint secretary and the treasurer shall mean respectively the President, the Vice-President, the General Secretary, the Joint Secretary and the Treasurer of Indian Association for the Study of Population.
  2. Membership
    The Association shall have the following categories of members:
    1. Ordinary Members. The category of membership shall consist of (i) all those who join in establishing the Association initially and (ii) all those who are subsequently admitted as ordinary members by a decision of the Executive Committee. Any individual who is an Indian citizen and has by his aptitude, training or experience acquired active interest in the field of demographic studies shall be eligible to apply for membership under this category.
    2. Institutional Members. Specialised Institutions and Corporations who are in sympathy with the aims and objects of the Association may be admitted as institutional members. These institutions shall have the right to nominate one person to the membership of the Association who shall enjoy all the rights of an ordinary member.
    3. Honorary Members. Certain distinguished persons who have made out­standing contribution to the demographic studies may be admitted as honor­ary members of the Association on a unanimous decision of the executive committee. Members under this category shall not be under any obligation to pay towards the membership fee of the Association.
  3. Membership Fee
    Membership fee for a calender year payable in advance shall be Rs. 20/- for an ordinary member and Rs. 100/- for an institutional member. Honorary members shall not be obliged to pay any membership fee. Provided further that General Body may enhance the membership fee as it deems fit.
  4. The General Body
    1. The entire membership of the Association including the honorary members and the nominees of the institutional members shall constitute the General Body of the Association.
    2. The General Body shall be the supreme body and shall have powers to amend,add, modify or delete any of the functions, objectives and rules and regulations of the Association.
    3. The General Body shall elect an Executive Committee from among its own members for the management and control of the affairs of the Association.
    4. The General Body shall hear the audited report of accounts of the Associa­tion. It shall also approve the appointment of auditor or auditors for auditing the accounts of the Association.
    5. Unless otherwise specifically provided the decisions in the General Body shall be taken by majority vote of the members present. In case of equal number of votes the person presiding shall have a casting vote.
  5. The Executive Committee
    1. There shall be an Executive Committee for management and control of the affairs of the Association. The membership of the Executive Committee shall not exceed eleven including the President but excluding ex-officio members.
    2. The term of office of an Executive Committee will be two years.
    3. The Executive Committee shall have the following Office Bearers: (i) President; (ii) Two Vice-Presidents; (iii) General Secretary; (iv) Two Joint Secretaries; (v) Treasurer; and (vi) Any other as is deemed fit by the Executive Committee.
    4. There shall be direct election for the office of the President while other office bearers would be elected by the Executive Committee from amongst its own members.
    5. The election of the President and other members of the Executive Commit­tee shall be organised by postal ballot. The procedure for conducting the election shall be as follows:
      1. The existing Executive Committee shall invite nominations duly proposed by a member and seconded by two members of the General Body separately for election as President and member of the Executive Com­mittee. The circular for such nominations shall be sent to all mem­bers of the Association. The circular in addition to other things will men­tion the last date of the receipt of valid nominations. The last date for the receipt of nominations shall be fixed by the President in consult­ation with the other office bearers.
      2. After the last date for receipt of nomination papers, separate lists of the valid nomination papers received for Presidentship of the Executive Committee mentioning the name of(i) the candidate (ii) the proposer and (ii) all those who have seconded the proposal shall be prepared.
      3. A ballot paper and the list prepared as above along with a notice of elect­ion, fixing the last date for receipt of completed ballot papers shall then be despatched to each member of the Association. Members shall be required to fill in the names of candidates they wish to vote in the ballot paper. Each member shall be allowed to vote to the maximum of as many candidates as are to be elected.
      4. The completed ballot papers received in time shall be opened and a summary result mentioning the votes secured by each candidate shall then be prepared.
      5. As many persons as are required to be elected will be deemed to be elected in order of their securing largest number of valid votes in their favour.
      6. The result of the election shall be announced in the Annual General Body Meeting of the Association.
    6. Provided that the President and the General Secretary of the existing Commit­tee shall be included in the newly elected executive committee as ex-officio members.
    7. The decisions in the Executive Committee shall be made by majority vote. In case of equal votes the person presiding shall have a casting vote.
  6. Power, Functions and Duties of the Executive Committee
    1. The Executive Committee shall have full power and authority to do all acts, matters, deeds which are not vested in it by the rules and regulations but which are necessary or expedient for the furtherance of the objectives of the Asso­ciation including the power: (i) to enter into agreement for and on behalf of the Association; (ii) to invest the money and funds of the Association, alter in­vestments as and when considered necessary, and transfer money and assets to the Board of Trustees as may be authorised or approved by the General Body for such purposes as may be indicated; (iii) to manage, sell or transfer any property of the Association, not being such assets, investments or property as have been transferred for specific purposes to the Board of Trustees; (iv) to appoint an auditor or auditors for auditing the accounts of the Association ; (v) to appoint from time to time, such and so many employees and on such terms and conditions as it deems fit for the Association; (vi) to appoint such and so many persons and on such terms and conditions as it may deem fit for the conduct of researches or studies decided to be undertaken by the Association; (vii) to exercise control over the employees of the Association including the power of dismissal; (viii) to appoint one or more committees or subcommittees for the purposes as are specified by it; (ix) to review and sanction budget estimates; (x) to select from time to time subjects for investigations, researches or studies and sanction the necessary finances; (xi) to frame, alter, or repeal any of the laws for the proper conduct of the business of Association for which no specific provision has been made in these Rules and Regulations; (xii) to open and obtain such and so many offices and in all such places as it may deem fit in the interest of promotion of the aims and objects of the Association; (xiii) to delegate to any of its office bearers or any of the subcommittees established such of its power as it deems fit.
    2. The Executive Committee will have the following functions to perform: (i) to arrange for an Annual Conference to discuss problems and studies connected with various aspects of India's population; (ii) to arrange and organise seminars, discussions, lectures and group meetings in respect of some specialised aspects of the India's population; (iii) to arrange and organise the publication of a regular journal on Population; (iv) to publish and/or finance publications of studies, monographs, books, periodicals, reports, or other literature from time to time as it deems fit;
    3. The Executive Committee in addition will have the following other duties: (i) to admit members to the General Body of the Association as and in the manner prescribed by the Rules and Regulations; (ii) to arrange for collections, donations and grants etc. towards the funds of the Associa­tion; (iii) to arrange for the preparation of annual audited report of accounts of the Association for presentation to the General Body.
  7. Meetings
    1. The General Body shall meet at least once in a year for its annual general meeting.
    2. The Annual General Body Meeting of the Association shall be called by the President or the General Secretary at a place and time decided by the Executive Committee.
    3. A special meeting of the General Body can be called on a requisition by the majority of the members of the Executive Committee or by the majority of the members of the General Body.
    4. At least fifteen days clear cut notice would be essential for convening any ordinary meeting of the General Body and seven days notice for a special meeting.
    5. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in six months or as frequently as is decided by the Committee.
    6. The meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the General Secretary at the place and time as is approved by the President and in the manner herein prescribed. Provided further that a special meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called on a requisition signed by at least one third of the members of Executive Committee.
    7. Provided that at least seven days clear notice would be essential for calling an ordinary meeting and five days for a special meeting of the Executive Committee.
  8. Quorum
    1. The quorum for any meeting of the General Body shall be 20 per cent of the total membership of the Association.
    2. The quorum for any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be at least half of total strength.
    3. Provided that no quorum shall be required for any adjourned meeting either of the General Body or of the Executive Committee.
  9. The Funds and Accounts
    1. The funds of the Association shall consist of all the receipts through grants, donations, subscriptions and fees as well as income from investments, pro­perties, publications and other sources and all payments by the Association shall be made therefrom.
    2. The bank account of the Association shall be in the name of the Association (Indian Association for the Study of Population) and will be operated jointly by the General Secretary and the Treasurer and in the manner prescibed by the Executive Committee.
    3. All expenditure paid out of the funds, shall be solely incurred for the promo­tion of the objects of the Association and in the manner approved by the Executive Committee.
    4. The Association shall maintain such books of accounts and other books in relation to accounts, in such a manner as is considered necessary.
    5. The financial year for the Association will be from 1st January of a year to the 31st December, of that year.
    6. The Executive Committee shall soon after closing its annual accounts finalise a statement of accounts in such a form as the Committee in consultation with the auditor of the Association may determine.
    7. The accounts of the Association will be audited by such an auditor or auditors as the Executive Committee may appoint after approval of the General Body.
    8. The annual accounts with the auditors report will be put by the Executive Committee to the General Body for approval at its Annual General Body Meeting.
    Rule 9 (A) Board of Trustees
    1. There shall be a Board of Trustees which shall consist of 7 members of whom 3 shall be Life Trustees, one member of the Executive Committee as may be nominated by the Executive Committee, 2 elected by the General Body and one nominated by the Executive Committee from among associated Ministries of the Government of India or research institution in the field of Population.
    2. The Executive Committee shall, with the approval of the General Body, nominate the Life Trustees in the first instance. In case of a vacancy it shall be filled by a person selected by the Executive Committee in consultation with the remaining Life Trustees.
    3. Vacancies in the Trustees other than Life Trustees occurring before the expiry of the said period of two years shall be filled by the Executive Committee for the remaining period of two years.
    4. A Trustee elected by the General Body shall be re-eligible for election only for a further term of two years.
    5. The Board of Trustees shall assume office from such date as the rules and regulations of the Association stand amended for this purpose.
    6. The Board of Trustees shall meet as often as required but not less than once ..a year. Decisions at such meetings shall be by majority vote. Four members of the Board shall form the quorum.
    7. The Chairman and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees shall be elected by the Trustees from among themselves. The Chairman or Treasurer shall hold these offices for a period of 2 years, but shall be eligible for re-election.
    8. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees shall be the person nominated by the Executive Committee as a trustee from among its members.
    9. The election of the Trustees shall be organised by postal ballot. The proce­dure for conducting the election shall be as follows:
    1. The Secretary of the Association shall invite nominations duly proposed by a member and seconded by two members of the General Body for the election of the trustees. The nomination shall be only with the consent of the person being nominated. The circular regarding nominations shall be sent to all members of the Association. The circular, in addition to indicat­ing the details needed, shall indicate the last date for receipt of valid nominations. The last date for receipt of nominations shall be fixed by the President of the Association in consultation with the other office bearers of the Executive Committee.
    2. After the last date for receipt of nomination papers, list of all valid nomi­nation papers shall be prepared indicating the name of (a) the candidate, (b) the proposer and (c) all those who have seconded the proposal.
    3. A ballot paper and the list prepared as above with a notice of election, fixing the last date for receipt of completed ballot paper shall then be despatched to each member of the Association. Members shall be required to fill in the names of candidates they wish to vote in the ballot paper. Each member shall be allowed to vote to the maximum of as many candidates as are to be elected.
    4. The completed ballot papers received in time shall be opened and a sum­mary result mentioning the votes secured by each shall then be prepared.
    5. As many persons as are required to be elected will be deemed to be elected in order of their securing largest number of valid votes in their favour.
    6. The result of the election shall be intimated to every member and shall be announced in the Annual General Body meeting of the Association.
    9(B) Functions of the Board of Trustees
    The functions of the Board of Trustees shall be as follows:
    1. To administer such properties of the Association as are transferred to the Trust, subject to such general directions as the General Body may give, so as to ensure that such properties are used in furtherance of the aims and objectives of the Association.
    2. To take such action as may be necessary to ensure that all gifts, grants, donations and endowments as may be received by the Association and assigned by the General Body or the Executive Committee for management to the Board of Trustees are invested in safe assets so as to ensure maximum return.
    3. The decision of the Board of Trustees shall be made by majority of vote. In case of equal votes, the person presiding shall have a casting vote.
    4. To ensure that funds allocated or identified for special purposes are so unitlised.
    5. The Board of Trustees shall, on the request of the Executive Committee, 11 transfer funds as and when necessary for specific purposes as authorised by the General Body. The Board of Trustees, in consultation with the Executive Committee, may lay down procedures for such purposes.
    6. To present a report on these matters to the General Body at the annual meeting of the General Body.
  10. Filling of Vacancy in the Executive Committee
    If during the term of an Executive Committee a vacancy occurs due to death or any other reason, the same shall be filled by nomination by the President from amongst the members of the Association.
  11. Rights of the Members
    1. Each member of the Association shall have a right to vote at the General Body meeting.
    2. Each member of the/Association shall have a right to receive the publication of the Association at such concessional rates as are prescribed by the Execu­tive Committee.
    3. Each member of the Association shall be entitled to attend the conferences, seminars, lectures and study groups organised by the Association.
  12. Sub-Centers
    Not less than five local members may decide to open a subcenter under the Association for conducting group discussions and other activities in their city or town. For this purpose the Executive Committee may consider their request for financial assistance.
  13. General
    1. The Association shall sue or be sued in the name of the Executive Committee represented by the General Secretary.
    2. The Executive Committee will be responsible for all legal proceedings connected with the affairs of the Association
    3. The dissolution of the Association will be in accordance with Section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act of 1860.
    4. All other necessary provisions of the Indian Societies Registration Act of 1860 shall apply to this Association.
    Certified that this is a correct copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Indian Association for the Study of Population.
Sl.No. Name Signature
1. P. Padmanabha, IAS Sd. P. Padmanabha President
2. M. K. Premi Sd. M. K. Premi General Secretary
3. K. G. Jolly Sd. K. G. Jolly Treasurer